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As human beings, we are known for what we seek in this world. When we are babies, we seek food and the loving touch of a parent, usually a mom. As we grow older our attention changes to a whole lot of different things. We seek friends and a job so we can buy a car.

Then we seek someone from the opposite sex and the college that will get us where we want to go in this world. These paths vary and change as we mature. Then the greatest miracle in someone’s life happens, they meet Jesus and receive Him as Savior. As you know, this changes everything, and it should also change what we seek.

In Colossians 3:1-2 the Apostle Paul gives a powerful challenge. “Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” In this text, there is an if-then statement.  If you and I are true followers of Jesus then we will set our minds, we will seek the things above and not the things on this earth.

Now we must understand that Paul is not telling us to desire a nice home, a good job, and fun vacations. He is speaking of seeking the carnal things of our old self such as sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desires, and covetousness, which is idolatry. This is seen in verse 5 of the same chapter.

Instead, he is telling us the heavenly things we are to be seeking to have holy and compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and the power to forgive one another. This can be found in verses 12-13 of the same chapter.

The question then must go back to the if-then statement. If we are followers of Jesus what we seek should be God honoring and not us honoring. I think it is a good thing to stop occasionally and think about what we are seeking. What do we desire the most in our lives? Are we thinking upon the things of heaven or do the things of this world consume our thoughts?

Paul made it clear; a Christian will look to heaven and the old self; the lost will continue to desire the things of the flesh. I leave you with this challenge, look into the mirror of God’s word and ask yourself, what am I seeking? Let the Holy Spirit speak to us in that still small voice and make the changes He would have us make.